Globalization, Empire, and Imperialism in Historical Perspective

Globalization, Empire, and Imperialism in Historical Perspective

The Historical Society
William and Ida Friday Center
Chapel Hill, NC
United States
From - Until
01.06.2006 - 04.06.2006
Ferleger, Louis

In recent years globalization has received a huge amount of attention. The media are replete these days with references to empire, imperialism, neo-imperialism, etc. If much of the work on these topics is vaporous—“globaloney,” as Paul Krugman (recycling a phrase originating with Clare Booth Luce) puts it—an increasing proportion is sufficiently serious so as to command the interest of scholars. Nonetheless, it must be pointed out that even the best of the recent work often suffers from a lack of historical perspective. Clearly, the time seems right for systematic scholarly examination and analysis of these concepts qua concepts and of specific historical episodes/manifestations of globalization, empire, and imperialism across space and time.

With the above in mind the Historical Society is pleased to announce that the organizing theme for its 5th conference, will be “Globalization, Empire, and Imperialism in Historical Perspective.” The conference will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and hosted by the University of North Carolina. We envision a meeting in which historians across fields come together to deepen and enrich the state of knowledge about these vital concerns. Although we suffer no delusions about the degree of influence scholars typically have on contemporary policy debates, we are hopeful that the addition of historical context may lessen to some small extent the level of ignorance, if not partisanship characteristic of the same.


Session IA American Imperialism
Moderator: Glenn Blackburn, University of Virignia-Wise

Frederick Adams, Drake University: “The Strange Career of American Imperialism”

Michael G. Carew, Baruch College: “Globalization, Empire, and Imperialism in Historical Perspective: The Dilemma of American Economic Imperialism, 1929-1945”

Session IB Globalization and Public Health
Ian R. Dowbiggin, University of Prince Edward Island: “Reproductive Imperialism: Sterilization and Foreign Aid in the Cold War”

Charles L. Geshekter, California State University, Chico: “The Globalization of AIDS: On Using History to Critique Fundamentalism in Public Health”

Paul Rhode, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Alan Olmstead, University of California-Davis: “Biological Globalization”

Session IIA Empire, Britain, and America
Moderator: Marc Trachtenberg, UCLA

David Cannadine, The Institute of Historical Research, University of London: “Dominion, Past and Present: Empire, Britain, and America Revisited”

Session IIB Christianity, Globalization, and Imperialism
Moderator: Randall Stephens, The Historical Society

David J. Bobb, Hillsdale College: “Humility, Compassion, and Prayer: Augustine’s Radical Critique of Imperial Rule”

Glenn W. Olsen, University of Utah: “Globalization in Recent Theological Thought”

Paul Shore, Saint Louis University: “Jesuits in Eastern Europe and the Greco-Catholic Churches: Imperialism or the Union of Brethren?”

5:30-6:30pm Reception
Sponsored by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and an anonymous donor on behalf of Cambridge University Press

Christopher Lasch Lecture

Linda Colley, Princeton University: “Biography across Boundaries: Global History, Imperial History, and Elizabeth Marsh”

Session IA Internal Imperialism in the United States
Moderator: Donald Avery, Harford Community College

T.J. Olson, University of London: “Expanded Homesteading and the U.S. Civil War: A Case of Domestic Imperialism”

Paul Quigley, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: “The Particular and the Universal in Antebellum American Nationalism: The View from the South”

Session IB The British Empire
Jay R. Mandle, Colgate University: “British Rule in the Post-Emancipation Caribbean”

Ralph Menning, University of Toledo: “’Not Often in a Giving Mood’: The Foreign Office and the Politics of Imperial Barter, 1905-1910”

Antoine Mioche, University of Versailles: “Spreading Liberty without Democracy: The Extension of the Rule of Law in the British Empire”

Session IIA Representations of Empire
Moderator: Martin Arbagi, Wright State University

Patrice Ballester, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail: “The Landscape of World Fairs and International Exhibitions in the Occident, 19th, 20th, 21st Centuries: Foundation, Mirror, and Psyche of Globalization/Imperialism?”

Daniel Skinner, CUNY Hunter College: “From Athens to Baghdad: Imperialism and Its Rhetorical Artifice of Need”

Richard Talbert, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: “Celebrating Empire: Ancient Rome in the London Tube”

Session IIB Warfare, Past and Future
William Caferro, Vanderbilt University: “War and the Debate over the Renaissance Economy”

Philip Hoffman, California Institute of Technology: “Why Is It That Europeans Ended Up Conquering the Rest of the Globe? The Origins of Western Europe’s Comparative Advantage in Violence”

Mark Moyar, Marine Corps University: “Military History in the 21st Century”

Session IIC The Circulation of Goods and Ideas
Moderator: Scott Marler, Rice University

Heather N. McMahon, University of Virginia: “A Modern Media Movement: The Arts and Crafts Movement as an International Trend Carried through Print Media”

Bryant Simon, Temple University: “The Flat World Up Close: Starbucks, Cultural Exchange, and Everyday Cultural Capital”

Martin V. Woessner, The City University of New York: “Coca-Cola for Camus, Hi-Fis for Heidigger: American Intellectualand Cultural History in the Age of Globalization”

11:45-1:45pm Lunch

Session IIIA The Beginnings of Empire
Moderator: Kimberly Kagan

Pamela K. Crossley, Dartmouth College: “Qing Imperial Beginnings”

Arthur M. Eckstein, University of Maryland: “From Informal Collaboration to Formal Administration: The Character of Rome’s Empire under the Middle Republic (338-146 B.C.)”

Kimberly Kagan, Yale University: “From State to Empire”

Frank Ninkovich, St. John’s University: “Imperialism, Globalism, and Empire in U.S. Foreign Relations”

Session IIIB Definitions of Empire
Patrick A. Cavaliere, University of New Brunswick: “Race, Imperialism, and Empire in Fascist Italy: The Jewish Question Revisited”

Linda S. Frey, University of Montana and Marsha L. Frey, Kansas State University: “The Rhetoric of Fraternity, the Reality of Conquest: The French Revolutionary Empire”

John M. Headley, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: “Of Empire and Its Corollary Civilization (1500-1800)”

Session IVA British Imperial Thought
Moderator: Joseph Lucas, The Historical Society

C. Brad Faught, Tyndale University College: “An Imperial Iconoclast: W.E.Gladstone, the Rights of Small States and Beleagured Peoples, and the Roots of Modern Internationalism”

Jessica L. Harland-Jacobs, University of Florida: “‘Stretched Even to the Ends of the Earth’: Fraternalism, Imperialism, and Globalization”

Timo Särkkä, University of Jyvaskyla: “J.A. Hobson’s Paradigm of Imperialism: British Liberal Attitudes to the South African War (1899-1902)”

Session IVB Economics and Public Policy
Moderator: David L. Carlton, Vanderbilt University

Tilak K. Doshi, Dubai Metals & Commodities Centre: “Oil and Globalization: Themes in the Historical Development of an Industry”

Andrew A. Keeling, University of California, Berkeley: “Transport Capacity Management and Transatlantic Migration, 1900-1914”
R. Bin Wong, UCLA: “Social Theory, Economic History, and Public Policy: Some Chinese Connections”

Moderator: Donald Yerxa, Editor, Historically Speaking

Joseph C. Miller, University of Virginia: “Moving on to Multiplicity: An Africanist's Reflections on the Singularities of ‘History’ as We Have Known It”

8:00pm Performance: Shakespeare Goes Global

Session IA Globalization: Its Origins and Progress
Dennis O. Flynn, University of the Pacific: “Born Again: Modern Globalization’s 16th-Century Origins”

Carl Pletsch, University of New Haven: “Is ‘Globalization’ the Vaunted ‘New World Order’?”

Robbie Robertson, University of the South Pacific: “The Quiet Revolution: Globalization, Imperialism, and Development”

Session IB Moderate Conservatism in the Postwar Period: Britain, Germany, Italy, and the U.S.
Moderator: Douglas Forsyth, Bowling Green State University

Roy P. Domenico, University of Scranton: “A Christian Alternative: Catholic Cultural Politics in Italy, 1948-1962”

Maria Mitchell, Franklin & Marshall College: “Moderate Conservatism in the Federal Republic: The Christian Democratic Union”

David Stebenne, Ohio State University: “The American ‘Middle Way’: Moderate Conservatism in the Postwar Period”

Session IIA Rethinking Globalization
Teresa Miriam Van Hoy, University of Houston: “One Century of Guano History, 1863-1963”

John Marriott, University of East London: “Imperial Modernity as Globalization: London and Calcutta in the 19th Century”

Session IIB National Politics in a Global Era
Moderator: Jeffrey Vanke, Independent Scholar

Richard Gilman-Opalsky, New School University: “Narrowing the Focus, Role, and Understanding of Political Public Spheres to a National Framework: An Historical and Theoretical Account”

Robert E. Herzstein, University of South Carolina, Columbia: “Alfred Kohlberg: Counter-Subversion in the Global Struggle against Communism, 1944-1960”

Timothy N. Thurber, Virginia Commonwealth University: “Goldwaterism Triumphant?: Race and the Debate Among Republicans over the Direction of the GOP, 1964-1968”

Session IIC Asia, Industrialization, and Foreign Capital
Richard J. Grace, Providence College: “Can a Drug Dealer Also Be a Nice Guy?”

Amar J. Nayak, Xavier Institute of Management: “Globalization of Foreign Direct Investment in India, 1900-2000”

Debin Ma, London School of Economics: “Treaty Ports and Industrialization in 19-20th Century China”

12:15-1:45pm Lunch
Phi Alpha Theta Luncheon
Peter Klassen, California State University, Fresno: “Poland, Pioneer of Freedom in Early Modern Europe”

Session IIIA America and Globalization
Moderator: Pete Banner-Haley, Colgate University

Peter Coclanis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and Louis Kyriakoudes, University of Southern Mississippi: “Selling Which South? Development Strategy and Economic Change in the Era of Globalization, North Carolina, 1950-2000”

Michael Dennis, Acadia University: “All in the Name of Global Competition: Americans and the Rage for Downsizing”

Session IIIB America and Europe
Moderator: Joyce Malcolm, NEH/Bentley College

Sam W. Haynes, University of Texas, Arlington: “‘Conflicting Sensations’ and the National Sense of Self: Anti-British Sentiment in the Early Republic”

Thomas A. Schwartz, Vanderbilt University: “Alliance, Empire, or Something In-Between: Henry Kissinger and the American Role in Europe”

Session IVA American Identities
Moderator: John Wilson, Books and Culture

Glenn T Mitoma, Independent Scholar: “American Empire and the Globalization of Human Rights: The Cases of Charles H. Malik and Carlos P. Romulo”

Thomas F. O’Brien, University of Houston: “The American Mission of Globalization”

Session IVB Empires in Asia
David M. Gordon, CUNY, Graduate Center: “Inching Toward Globalization: France, China, and Southeast Asia, 1940-1950”

Spencer A. Leonard, University of Chicago: “A Fit of Absence of Mind? Ideology and Interest in the East India Company’s Conquest of Bengal”

Caroline Hui-yu Ts’ai, Academia Sinica: “Colonial Governance in Taiwan under Japanese Rule, 1895-1945: With Specific Notes on Wartime Taiwan in Modern Japan’s Empire-Making”

Deepak Lal, UCLA: “Empires and Order”

Contact (announcement)

Louis Ferleger
The Historical Society
656 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02215
Tel.: (617) 358-0260
Fax: (617) 358-0250